The monstER: Zombie Brain (Episode 1)

We are fairly certain we have never come across a zombie health insurance policy. However, we decided to change things up a bit and create our own little world of insurance. The below video is brought to you by the overworked, overly imaginative employees of; who may at times feel like they are zombies and might need to find a policy that covers the living dead! We hope you enjoy our offbeat humor!

P.S. We plan to create more animated vidoes. If you have any ideas let us know.

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How to Take Care of Your Brain

The brain is a small organ comprised of gelatinous fatty tissue and weighs about 2 pounds. For all its small size, the brain uses far more fuel and resources than any other organ in the body. About 25% of the oxygen that enters the cardio pulmonary system is used by the brain so keeping the body healthy is crucial to keeping the brain healthy. There is evidence that people who stay mentally and physically active are less likely to lose brain function as they age.

Diet and Brain Health

The brain utilizes about 40% of the body’s fuel and everything that comes into the body impacts the brain either positively or negatively. Omega 3 fatty acids are necessary to proper brain function and can be found in certain fish and seeds. Refined sugars and carbohydrates, which cause blood glucose fluctuations, can have negative effects on brain function. Diets high in fruits and vegetables provide a good and steady source of fuel for the brain.

Stress Kills Brain Cells

If you believe that stress is killing you, you are right. Aside from the effects of stress on the heart and other organs of the body, stress kills brain cells. It is important to avoid stress as much as possible or to mitigate the effects of stress with physical exercise, meditation and other activities which reduce the effects of stress on the brain and the body. Breathing exercises and yoga can help reduce stress and raise blood oxygen levels.

The Impact of Alcohol and Drugs on Brain Health

There are three main ways that alcohol and drugs impact the brain. The first is by altering perceptions and emotional responses, the second occurs after repeated use and creates the symptoms of tolerance and withdrawal setting the stage for dependency and the third is neurological damage which results from chronic use. Chronic use of alcohol and many other drugs is related to serious deterioration of brain function.

Exercise Improves Oxygen Levels

Aerobic exercise improves cardio vascular health and blood oxygen levels. The brain needs a lot of oxygen in order to perform its many functions so improved blood oxygen levels have a positive effect on brain function. There is evidence that improvement in overall physical health can lead to improvement in cognitive function in the absence of injury or brain disease. Unlike some other organs, brain tissue does not regenerate following an injury.

Cognitive Activities Slow the Onset of Age Related Dementia

There is evidence that individuals who engage in cognitive activities like reading, writing, crossword puzzles and sudoku remain alert and symptom free longer than those who do not engage in mentally stimulating activities. These activities quite literally exercise the brain. There is no evidence to suggest that cognitive activities actually prevent dementia, but there is ample evidence to suggest that mentally active individuals have later onset of disease symptoms than their counterparts.

Taking care of your brain is much like taking care of your body. Good diet and exercise habits along with regular cognitive activities help individuals maintain both physical and mental function for as long as possible as they age. Social interaction also contributes to mental and emotional health, so it is important for people to stay active and connected with friends and family.