Is There Mental Health Insurance?

People can purchase insurance coverage for nearly everything in the United States. They can insure their cars, their homes, their valuable possessions, their health and even their very lives. In the realm of health and medical insurance there are various areas of specialized coverage for certain types of people or health issues. In the past only physical health and symptoms have been treated, but today mental health awareness and acceptance is growing steadily. Insurance for mental health is an issue of growing concern among the American population.

Mental Health Treatments

There are many different types of clinics and treatments that exist for the care of patients’ mental health and many of them do accept private insurance. Professional counseling, behavioral and social therapies, and medications useful tools in encouraging and maintaining mental wellness, but these treatments and therapies are costly and are not always fully covered by insurance. Rehabilitation centers for mental health and substance abuse can be very effective if the patient has sufficient time in the program. Insurance can help offset the cost of these treatments and visits.

Mental Health Insurance Laws

Mental health coverage is a relatively new concept. It has only been in the last few decades that mental health issues have begun to lose some of the stigma previously attached to the field. Insurers are required by most states to include mental health coverage of some kind in their policies. Psychiatrist and psychologist therapy sessions, psychotropic and anti-depressant medications, in- and out-patient treatments for eating disorders, drug addiction and other such conditions are covered by standard insurance. The big question is how much treatment the company will pay for.

Changing Times

Patients who were diagnosed with mental health conditions have suffered many restrictions regarding insurance coverage. Strict limits have been placed on number of therapy visits, inpatient treatment durations, and types of therapy covered. However, since the recent passing of laws governing health insurance parity in several states and federal reforms, mental health patients can now have access to fair coverage. Check the laws in your home state to find out what regulations and rules there are regarding mental health insurance coverage policies and their limits.

Independent Mental Health Insurance

Stand-alone mental health insurance is a very new concept which has very limited availability at this time. However, there are a few insurers which are strictly devoted to mental and behavioral wellness and insurance. At this time these companies mainly market their services to employers whose group health plans are lacking in the mental health area, acting as a supplementary type of coverage similar to independent dental and vision insurance. If you are interested in this kind of coverage speak to your human resources department about including mental health insurance coverage.

Mental health and wellness is something that everyone is concerned about, especially in light of recent studies that have shown 1 in 4 people being susceptible to some degree of mental disorder. The need for mental health insurance coverage is rising and the United States insurance industry is picking up on that. Health insurers have steadily augmented their coverage of mental health issues and soon will be required to make even further increases under the new health care reform laws.